We are a group of volunteers formed 8 years ago after an invitation from Sheffield City Council’s Street Force. The group consists of approximately 20 people of all ages and all very friendly with the intention of improving the local environment and producing a year round display of flowers from one end of the valley to the other.

We were encouraged to enter the annual Yorkshire in Bloom competition and received Silver and then Silver Gilt awards – real achievements in our first years. The effort required from such a small group of people, most of whom also have full time jobs, was too great to bridge the gap between Silver Gilt and Gold and so regrettably we decided to stop entering and instead just concentrate on making Stocksbridge and Deepcar better places to live.

We are funded by the council with a small amount of money but the rest is from grants or generated by our fund raising efforts with coffee mornings, raffles, sales of calendars etc.

We meet at 7.30 on the first Thursday of every month at Bracken Moor Sports Club and have working Sundays every second Sunday, when weather permitting we meet at the library at 10.30am. From here we disperse to where we are needed. At other busy times such as spring and autumn we are out during the evenings when old plants are stripped out and new ones put in. 

We are always on the lookout for new members and welcome any help even if you can only spare a few hours each year.

Contact details:


Joan Banks - 2883899

Mary Kaye- 2885586 

Jim Warrender - 2831793

Catherine Cotterill – 2831727