Great Antiques Map of Britain

From the BBC:

I wonder if you can help. We are currently in the process of making a new BBC series called Great Antiques Map of Britain and we are coming to your area in the next few months to film. We are choosing a handful of key locations around the UK that we can put on the Antiques Map and the Peak District is one. We are looking for local people that we can meet prior to filming that have antiques or collectables that are linked to the local area. They can draw from the expert opinion and knowledge of Tim Wonnacott on the day and find out if their item might be worth something!

We hope to use the items we discover to springboard us into exploring part of the unique history of the area through short films featuring archive and relevant visits to key locations. But first of all we need to find the people and the items that we can feature on the filming day and this is how I was wondering if you could help? Ideally we are looking for about 8-10 people to film.

We need to get the word out about the programme and what we are looking for to as many local people as possible. We have a press release and a flyer which I have attached and I was hoping you might be able to help us let people from the Peak District and surrounding area know.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes

Claire Parry
Assistant Producer | Great Antiques Map of Britain
BBC 21/22 WLR 1.39 | Broadcasting House
Whiteladies Rd | Bristol | BS8 2LR
Direct Line 0117 974 6989
Switchboard 0117 973 2211
