Bolsterstone Quilters

The group is aimed at people who are interested in patchwork and quilting and we invite members of all abilities.   We don't provide lessons, although we have occasional workshops outside of the regular monthly meetings.  We can also arrange contact with people who do provide lessons.  

The main aim is to bring together people with a common interest in quilting and encourage and support members through joint activities such as guest speakers, trips to quilt shows and exhibitions, working together to produce a group quilt and planning our first quilt show.

It's a great networking opportunity and many of our members have made new friends as well as developing an interest and skills in quilting.

We meet 1st Tuesday of each month, 7pm in Bolsterstone Village Hall.  The first meeting is free then you need to become a member at £10 per year.  Thereafter, it's £3 per meeting, including tea/coffee, biscuits.  All funds go back into the group to pay for room hire, guest speakers, activities etc.

We are a very friendly group and we currently have 26 paid members.


Karen Dennis