The Inman Initiative
Since the 60’s, the Inman Pavilion on Moorland Drive, has been a much loved community hall and it still is but it’s showing its age a little now. It is structurally sound but leaks energy. It has plenty of space but it needs a little reorganisation to make it a bit more useful for the different groups. Now it has a committee of people representing all the groups using it and the aim is to make the Pavilion a flexible, energy-efficient building sustainable for the next 30 years or so!
It’s a big job but in October and November, the community has had ‘ideas’ help from Sheffield University’s Student Live Project. This is a spin-off from the University research project here in Stocksbridge : Solar Energy in Future Societies
As part of the Architects’ Masters course, groups of post-graduate students work together to prepare architectural briefs in consultation with members of different community –project groups. The Inman committee has been given a comprehensive document detailing suggestions for rationalising space, improving insulation and alternative sources of heating, community gardens and so on.
The document can be viewed at the Pavilion and many of you will have seen the actual models they made but the photographs will give you an idea of the quality of their work..
Currently the committee is working on a plan of action so now is the time to add any ideas. Then will come estimating costs and finally seeking funding.
This link will take you to more information about the Student live project:
and these will take you to information about the
Solar Energy in Future Societies Project: