Stocksbridge Town Hall - 13/01/2014
TDF meeting
14 present incl. Underbank Activity Centre, TSC councillors
A wide-ranging discussion covered a number of areas and ideas;
No decisions yet made re.road closures - to be finalised by end of January - policy seems to be made up on the hoof ..... TDF route will be closed Saturday evening until late Sunday
Suggest turning Manchester Road from Deepcar to Underbank as one-way on 5th.July - need to look at a local road map and come up with a 'plan' (next meeting)
Open top bus available for Stocksbridge TC
Some land available for camping
Leisure Centre thinking of using car park as 'camper van' land with wet side facilities as support (100 vans?). Sports hall as entertainment?
Oxley Park for camping and large screen ? - SLC progressing ideas
Sat.5th.July - Bolsterstone Fair
Wigtwistle fair date likely to be changed
STC has made bids for 'dressing the town' - yellow & white
Want signpost banners on lamp-posts - want 3 designs spread across 12 lamp posts - schools logo competition?
Heritage Centre in Stocksbridge Town Hall (museum)
Have been very little feedback from Look Local letters
Bus - suggest route from Oughtibridge to Midhopestones shuttle service (SL buses) - suggest other services to stop after Middlewood before Oughtibridge
World Cup q/f are on 4/5 July - 1700/2000 ko times - large screens needed
Climbing walls at Oxley park?
Stocksbridge Community Forum website - contributors workshops: 14/01/14 (1000-1100) : 22/01/14 (1800-1900) : 01/02/14 (1000-1100) - all welcome to attend - site can become the local information source for Stocksbridge and Le Tour - all advised to visit the site and become a contributor.
Weekly column in 'Look Local' suggested.
Walkers are Welcome 'Le Tour' flyer is spreading far and wide - positive feedback
Underbank will have 200 people camping, 100 vehicles - want people to camp for 3-4 nights - bus on the Saturday to watch the race (stage one) - activities available on Friday and Monday. Will be 1000 boats on Underbank in shape of a yellow jersey.
Souvenir enamel badges? - collectable
Stocksbridge festival in May as a dry-run?
Sheffield city council cultural festival - March => July
Pricing must be right in order to attract future business.
agreed that meetings should be initially frequent: every 2 weeks - 27th.January, 10th.February - Stocksbridge town hall - 1900
The Events Sub committee on the Tour want to facilitate Events over the weekend and not necessarily host any events. The weekend is Open to all the residents, community groups and businesses to come up with ideas to entice the traveller to sit,relax and be able to enjoy good Yorkshire Hospitality whilst taking in the views of our terrific countryside and not just the Race. There will be a A5 booklet produced to publish all the events that will be undertaken and supported by business advertising, these booklets will be taken overseas and may be used as a brochure that will bring back these travellers for years to come. The High Street (Manchester Road) will be dressed for the occasion with flags, hanging baskets and street lamp banners, which will form a backdrop for anything the businesses on the precinct would like to do. We do not have a lot of time and there is plenty of things to organise and your assistance will be gratefully received, come and join us at our next meeting at the Council Chambers, Stocksbridge Town Hall Monday 27th January at 1900 (7pm)